Die Bosveld Jagters en Wildbewaringsvereniging het nie self fisiese teenwoordigheid dwarsoor Suid Afria nie en kan dus nie op die grond almal diens in persoon nie, alhoewel ons selfs internasionale lede het.

Neem kennisdat hierdie lid tipe BASIESE lidmaatskap is met ingrypende ingeperkte gratis lidvoordele. Alle voordele kan egter bekom word deur dit modulêr by te voeg en te betaal soos benodig.

Hier wil ons graag persone akkomodeer wat weens persoonlike omstandighede, nie noodwendig gereeld die tyd of toegang tot jagters- of sportskietfasiliteite het nie maar steeds wettiglik hulle Toegewyde statusse wil bekom en behou asook 'n aktiwiteite profiel elektronies wil skep en uitbrei sonder om ekstra te betaal vir dienste wat nie benut word nie.

Ons is by CHASA geaffilieer en kan dus deur ons mede affliate, wat regoor die land verteenwoordig is, jou op grondvlak ook 'n diens lewer.


Hierdie Lid tipe het nie stemreg in die BJV nie (behou voor waar anders gestipluleer) en lede kan dus nie dien op tak of uitvoerende bestuursvlakke nie.

Persone het 'n opsie om aan 'n bestaande Tak te behoort en dus al daardie tak se kommunikasie ronom gebeure en aktiwiteite ontvang deur die betrokke tak te kies óf die AANLYN Tak te kies wat blootstelling gee aan nasionale gebeure en aktiwiteite by die BJV asook CHASA geaffilieerde verenigings.


The Bushveld Hunters and Game Conservation Association does not itself have a physical presence across South Africa and therefore cannot all serve on the ground in person, even though we even have international members.

Here we would like to accommodate people who due to personal circumstances, do not necessarily regularly have the time or access to hunters or sport shooting facilities but still legally want to obtain and retain their Dedicated statuses as well as create and expand an activities profile electronically without paying extra for services that are not utilized.

We are affiliated with CHASA and can therefore provide you with a service at ground level through our fellow affiliates, who are represented across the country.

Please note that this membership type is BASIC membership with limited free membership benefits. However, all benefits can be obtained by adding and paying for them modularly as needed.

This Member type does not have voting rights in the BHA (reserved where otherwise stipulated) and members can therefore not serve at branch or executive management levels.

Persons have an option to belong to an existing Branch and thus receive all that branch's communication around events and activities by choosing the relevant branch or choosing the ONLINE Branch that gives exposure to national events and activities at the BJV as well as CHASA affiliate associations.

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